Born in New Jersey, raised in Toms River, now residing in Colts Neck, Matthew Jenkins is the heart of Congressional District 4 of New Jersey. Matthew attended public school in the Toms River School DIstrict K-12. He first attended Ocean County College and spent some time as a substitute teacher before completing his degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick.
This is the year we win in CD 4. The difference between the Democrat and Republican could not be simpler. Are we all equal under the law or are we not? Should the government rule over women’s bodies, how we love our children, who we love or whether we can have a family?
Chris Smith wants a ban on abortion in all cases. He has authored many bills to criminalize contraception. Think about that. If abortion is illegal the first thing a woman would do is protect herself. Smith wants to criminalize her ability to protect herself. Smith has also tried to add language to bills that would redefine the definition of rape. Statutory rape, too much alcohol, if a woman is drugged or is she is not sufficiently beaten up then it is not really rape.
Smith wants to end same sex marriage and a couple's ability to adopt children saying orphanages are an option. The choice is simple. This election, a Republican vote is a vote against women, against the LGBTQ community and against our basic equal rights.
We are at a place in American History of great possibility. We can look back at this time and say that was the moment when we made the great leap forward. It was the time we lifted all barriers across communities and decided with one voice that we are one people, equal under the law. It was the time teachers were revered, the American worker was celebrated, our veterans were honored and the full might of American manufacturing was brought home. It was the time the brilliant minds in innovation moved us off fossil fuels, into driverless vehicles and beyond! This was the moment we decided medicine would end diseases like ALS and Alzheimer's. We will look back and say that was the beginning of the end of Cancer.
We need a government that focuses on the people of this great nation. We are a people who lend a hand when needed to our neighbors and friends. We strive to be our best and lift others up around us. These are the Democratic values that we need on the ballot.
-Matt Jenkins, Democratic Candidate for Congressional District NJ-04
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