When February 03, 2020 at 6:30pm 3 hrs
Where Ocean County Courthouse Cafeteria

We are calling on all Toms River Democrats to attend our first meeting of 2020. This past election was so very close for our municipal candidates, with Team Petro’s impressive campaign run nearly upsetting the town council race. This year we are faced with more challenging work ahead of us. We urge the support of good Democrats to carry our great Congressman Andy Kim to victory once again, to support our elected Town Councilpersons and municipal officials, to elect more Democrats to county office, and to bring a Democratic president back to the White House in 2020.

Our first kickoff meeting will be Monday, February 3, at 6:30pm. We will start the new year off with a speaker on Medicare for All, a topic of Democratic primary interest. It is our intention to feature at least one speaker at each of our meetings. If you are interested in speaking on a topic of community interest to Democrats, please contact us at [email protected] .

Future meetings will occur on the first Monday of every month, except for meetings on 5/8 and 9/1.

Bring your energy, bring a friend, neighbor and family: all hands on deck for the battle of 2020!

When: Feb. 3, 2020 6:30pm-9:00pm


Ocean County Courthouse Cafeteria

129 Hooper Ave. (ped. bridge from municipal garage)

Toms River, NJ

Will you come?